Hemlock's Harvest Moon
Luna is a Logan daughter
Owned by Michael and Ellen Kurdzo

Cossacks Field of Dreams AX, NAJ, NAF, GS-N
Jeter is a Logan son
Owned by Diane Niland

ATCH NATCH Hemlock's Blazing Indigo CD, AX, AXJ, ADD, RS-E, JSE-E, GS-E, EAC, EJC, EGC, STDsdc, FDXCh.
Heatherhill's Logan Express x Impressive Simply Irrisistab
"Kirby" is owned and loved by John and Tina Spivey
She is major pointed Altered
A-CH Briarcliff Classic Jewel CD
Ch. Te Amos Top Gun Wild Child X Hemlock's Custom Jewel Briarcliff
"Stryker" is owned and handled by Jr. Handler Kaylene Scotton

Hemlock's Chocolate Factory
Hemlock's Red All About It x Hemlock's Zena
Owned by Melissa Furguson of Texas

ASCA Ch. Terra-Blue Hemlock's Black and Tan
Ch. Arboretums Ilex Montanta x Lauric's Tigerlily at Hemlock
Co breb by Hemlock & Terra-Blue
Owned by Terra-Blue
Ch. Hemlock's Turn up the Heat CGC, RS-N, JS-N
"Rhett" is owned by Brena Dean of Silver City Aussies

Pinnacle Hemlock Deja Vu
Ch. Arboretum's Ilex Montana x Lauric's Tigerlily at Hemlocks
Deja is owned by Caitlin Farrar of Maine and Robin Gardell at Pinnacle
Can. CH Hemlock's All That Glitters
Bailiwick I'm on Fire x Ch. Hemlock's Gift of Gab
"Glitzy" is owned by Cindy Boot
DOB - 9/26/2004

Hemlock's All A Flame
Bailwick I'm on Fire x Ch. Hemlock's Gift of Gab
DOB - 9/26/2004
"Spark" is owned by Brenda Dean of Silver City Aussies

Winmor's Shakin' Things Up "Diva"
Ch. Milwin's Whole Lotta Lovin' x Hemlock's Gift of Gab
Owned by
Derby Scott Winmor Aussies, MD
Ch. Briarcliff's Glowing Ember
Bailiwick I'm on Fire x Ch. Hemlock's Gift of Gab
DOB 9/26/2004

Ch. Hemlock's Custom Jewel at Briar Cliff "CJ"
Ch. Heatherhill's Logan Express CGC x Lauric's Gabriell at Cossack
Co-Owned with Donna Johnson at Briar Cliff Aussies
DOB - 1/26/2001
WildLily's Lil Ms Independent
Ch Heatherhills Logan Express X Lauric's Tigerlily
D.O.B. 3/27/2004

A-CH. Hemlock's Vintage Red AKC/ASCA CDX
Ch. Heatherhill's Logan Express CGC x Lauric's Gabriell at Cossack
DOB: 2/24/2000
"Tag" is co-owned with Donna Johnson at Briar Cliff Aussies

Hemlock's Midnight Run STDs
WTCH MistrettasImpressiveVigilante PT x Lauric's Gabriell at Cossack
DOB: 2/20/2002
"Riggs" is co-owned with Craig.
"Riggs" is internationally ranked 15th frisbee dog!
He is now working on dock diving!
Cossack Dreamweaver
Ch Heatherhill's Logan Express x Cossack's Pop The Cork CD NA

A-CH. Hemlocks Custom Cruze STDds
Ch. Heatherhill's Logan Express CGC x Lauric's Gabriell at Cossack
DOB: 2/24/2000
"Cruz" is co-owned with Jr. Handler Heather Robinson
** High Point Junior Dog 2004 **
Hemlocks Shimmering Silver RA PT
Cossacks Mirror Image X Heatherhills Party Lights
Owned by Ellen & Chris Heidler

CDGS-N JV-N RV-NMcGuyver is an offspring of Logan and Shiraz
AKC/ASCA CH Briarcliff's Radiant Jewel "TIFFANY"

Hemlocks Red Velvet
Owned by Lyndsey Hren